The Top-BDII playbook.

The top-bdii.yml playbook is used to deploy the Top-BDII.


- hosts: top-bdiis
  name: BDII_TOP plays
    - debug:
        msg: "Site is  {{ site_name }}"
        - debug

This is a helper task to see if the {{ site_name }} variable has been picked up correctly. This is usually stored in {{ group_vars/<site-name> }} where <site_name> is the name of the site as registered in the GOCDB.

    - name: Tell the team
        token: {{ slack_token }}
        msg: "Running top-bdii play at on {{ ansible_hostname }} at {{ site_name }}"
        username: "Ansible on {{ ansible_hostname }} at {{ site_name }}"
        validate_certs: False
        - slack

Ansible will tell the team in a channel on Slack what is happening. The variables are provided via files in group_vars

    - { role: common, become: true }
    - { role: certificates, become: true }
    - { role: umd, become: true, tags: "umd" }
    - { role: top-bdii, become: true }
    - { role: yaim, become: true }

The playbook applies - in order - the 5 necessary roles. The top-bdii role ensures that the correct packages are installed and tha the firewall on the target machine has been properly configured to allow communication via port 2170. The yaim role is applied in order to ensure that the right configuration is generated via templates and the execution of the configuration via yaim is performed. See the yaim role for more information.

    - name: Start BDII if PID but Process dead.
      become: true
        name: bdii
        state: restarted
        - testing

Post tasks are applied once yaim has completed :

  1. Ensure that the bdii service is restarted.
    - "roles/common/vars/distros/{{ ansible_distribution }}-{{ ansible_distribution_version }}.yml"
    - roles/common/vars/middleware/IGTF.yml

Variables necessary for this playbook, which are not provided by the role itself are pulled in from the common role. See the common role role for more information.

    - include: roles/common/handlers/main.yml

The handler from the common role is pulled in, in order to